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Al Jazeera journalist, Marwan Bishara, writes that, “The very same nations who preach peace but subsidise Apartheid in Palestine are also professing their commitment to mitigating climate change, but... helping global CO2 emissions reach historic highs.” This quote nicely sums up the reason behind the creation of this zine and how climate and environmental justice and Palestinian liberation have become intertwined. Neither the climate revolution nor a free Palestine will be achieved unless we, the people, make it happen. This zine is meant to educate those who may not think these struggles are related, as well as give an intro to those who might not know much about the topic at hand. This is also a project of our unwavering support of Palestinian Liberation, from the river to the sea.

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Tagsenvironmental, palestine, zine


Palestine is an environmental issue - PRINTABLE.pdf 5.7 MB
Palestine is an environmental issue - ONLINE.pdf 3.1 MB